HanJing Pan
January 01, 1970 - November 17, 2018
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HanJing Pan
January 01, 1970 - November 17, 2018
Ms. HanJing Pan was born in Bogor, Indonesia, in 1935. She grew up in China and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture. She was married to her husband for over fifty-three years. She always loved her husband and her children. She always took good care of her grandsons and granddaughter with all her heart. She always won her siblings’ respect, and all her good friends and the neighbors loved her so much.
She enjoyed her life and was always super nice to everyone. However, it is so sad to the Lu family that on the date of November 17, 2018, HanJing Pan passed away at the age of 84.
她出生于印尼茂物市,四岁回中国读书成长。 幼年家贫,勤俭苦学。大学毕业于一间南方农业学院, 成为副农艺师。 她于工作担任农务及种籽调配工作。她为人友善,任劳任怨,做事认真负责,甚得好评. 另外,她辅助夫君,热爱学生, 更是一位受到众人爱戴的师毋。
于2005年从中国移民美国,享受宁静退休生活,並成为美国公民。 她的一生在夫妻恩爱,子孙满堂,親属朋友关怀爱戴中辛福生活。她的离世是我们陆家的最大损失。她的慈爱永远活在我们的生命记忆中。