February 13 2023 0Comment
cremation service Ferndale, WA

Understanding Grief After Losing a Loved One

Unexpectedly, a loved one has passed away. Experiencing the pain of a loved one’s death is one of life’s greatest trials. It is not easy to acquire healthy mourning and grieving that can help you adjust to life without your loved one. It’s usually more difficult, longer, and more consequential than most people expect. To help you ease with your burden you can find a cremation service Ferndale, WA, for cremation arrangements but before doing that here are our practical tips to help you process your grief.

1. Each individual experiences grief in their own unique way

There is no “right” way to grieve or experience loss; everyone grieves differently and no one else’s experience of loss can compare to yours.

There are 37 different sets of variables that might affect a person’s level of sorrow. As a result of these factors, your experience of grief will be unique, even relative to the experiences of others who have lost a loved one. All of the mourners have a common feeling of grief at the death of a loved one, yet each of you feels that loss in unique ways. This is due to the fact that no two individuals can have the same relationship with another, and that it is the loss of that unique connection that is felt most keenly when a loved one passes away. Another reason is that no two individuals ever come to a position with the same set of advantages and disadvantages, life experiences, or cultural upbringing.

2. Dealing with more than one loss

You suffer much more than just one loss when a loved one dies. Secondary losses are those that occur in addition to or as a direct result of losing a loved one.

They are secondary in the sense that they are contingent on the loss of your loved one, but not in the sense that they are less important to you personally. Physical (such as the loss of a home due to financial inability to maintain it) or psychological and social (such as the death of a loved one) factors contribute to secondary losses (for example, the loss of a relationship). The process of grieving includes recognizing and lamenting the additional losses you’ve suffered after your loved one’s passing.

3. Loss impacts more than just your feelings

Just because you’re grieving doesn’t mean you have to feel miserable forever. It’s a fallacy that grieving just has an emotional impact. Because grief affects the entire individual, it will likely manifest itself in many different ways. It’s true that some individuals are more resilient than others in certain situations (for example, you may be able to control it when you are at work, although you might have more difficulty doing so on the ride home). Even yet, many people experiencing grief struggle in every aspect of their life.

cremation service Ferndale, WA

4. There is a time factor involved

Acute grieving requires you to slowly come to terms with the truth that your loved one is gone, and to accept that you will not fully understand this reality or its ramifications until you’ve had more time and life events to “educate” you. You may be able to accept the news of your loved one’s death intellectually, but your heart may be unable to accept it. The time it takes to accept this truth on a deep enough level to be able to comprehend it, however, is far longer.

We hope that the information we presented was useful to you, for more tips you can find a good cremation service in Ferndale, WA that also offers advice in coping with grief.