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The Importance of the End-of-Life Talk With your Loved Ones

An end-of-life conversation with your loved ones in important to ensure you gather all their wishes and desires to hold a memorial that honors them and celebrates their life. Having this conversation before they die may seem uncomfortable or upsetting to talk. Here are some reasons why it is beneficial to the both of you: […]

Celebration Of Life

How Does a Celebration of Life Differ from a Funeral?

For many people, the passing of a loved one in funeral homes in Mount Vernon, WA is marked in just one way; a funeral service. But in recent years, there have been additional alternatives to the traditional funeral that have helped people to better accept and memorialize those that made a difference in their lives. […]

Moles Farewell Tributes Expands Use of Social Media

In today’s fast-paced world where everything is just a click or tap away, even the funeral home industry is adapting and changing. Moles Farewell Tributes has a history dating back to 1910, an era remarkably more slower-paced. As times change and we grow along with the community we proudly serve, we’ve expanded our social media […]

Veterans Honored Funeral

Planning Ahead to Honor Our Veterans

For those who have served our country, we are honored to take extra steps to create a fitting tribute to our veterans. Moles Farewell Tributes has designed a veteran’s package that you can personalize to suit your needs. Veteran’s Tribute A personalized service at one of our Farewell Tribute locations (Bellingham, Ferndale or Greenacres). If […]