July 04 2022 0Comment
funeral service in Bellingham, WA

How to Select the Right Grave Marker

After your loved one’s funeral service in Bellingham, WA, visiting their gravesite is a way you can feel closer and connected to them. Making sure they have a grave marker that represents who they were as well one that stays in good condition is important to ensure it continues to serve as a worthy tribute for generations to come.

With so many options of materials, types, and designs, choosing the right marker can be dauting. What material should you choose? What type of grave maker is best? Keep reading as we cover some of these questions and more.

Types of Markers

It is important to know that there are several types of grave markers available today. Which type you choose will most likely come down to budget, personal tastes, and cemetery polices. A few of the most common types of markers include:

  • Flat Marker – A flat marker is typically a rectangular shaped maker that lies flat and flush into the ground.
  • Slant Marker – A slant marker is slightly higher than a flat markers and has a sloping face.
  • Upright Monument – Also called headstones and tombstones, this category is what most people think of when they picture a gravesite. These are upright blocks of stone or steel and can come in a variety of shapes, materials, and colors.

Materials for Grave Markers

It is important to know there are several different types of materials available when it comes to grave markers. Knowing these materials and their pros and cons can go a long way in helping you choose a marker that you will be happy with for years into the future. The good news is that you don’t have to be an expert when it comes this knowledge as the headstone provider can help guide you as to what material might be best for your situation.

With that being said, here are just a few of the most common materials along with their characteristics to give you an idea of what you might consider:

  • Marble – Marble can make a beautiful and elegant headstone. It is a common choice because it is easy to cut and carve. However, moisture can cause it to discolor over time which might blur any engraving such as the name, dates, etc.
  • Granite – Granite is a very popular material due to its durability however it can sometimes be challenging to clean and may require more polishing and upkeep than other materials.
  • Sandstone – Many people choose sandstone because it can be craved very easily. The con with sandstone is that is can chip and flake very easily and therefore is not as durable as other options.

Things to Keep in Mind

When selecting your marker as well as the materials, it helps to keep a few things in mind. First, what information and/or images will you want to include on the marker? If you are wanting a simple tribute with nothing more than the name, dates of birth and death as well as perhaps a short epitaph, a flat marker may a good choice. However, if you are wanting to create a more elaborate tribute then choosing an upright headstone out of a material that can be carved into a unique shape might be a better fit.

funeral service in Bellingham, WA

Another thing to consider is the cemetery and their polices on what is allowed. Many cemeteries have specific rules on what types of markers are allowed as well as rules on things such as the material, images, shapes, and more. Because of this it is crucial to check with the cemetery before you begin shopping for the headstone.

If you would like more information about grave markers or funeral service in Bellingham, WA, please feel free to call us or come by anytime as we are always available to help.

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